These suggestions can be helpful before a Process Session. Some may feel really alive for you, some not so much… but all of them are pointing at certain habits many people carry into the creative process. Think of these rules as possibilities to explore, with nothing to lose (similar to how one might look at insight meditation instructions – you have to do something differently to see something differently)

Necessarily some of these suggestions may not be helpful or even possible when working outside of this context. Stages of completion and demands of presentation will require other attitudes – but here the intention is to play as freely as possible and to touch something within creative engagement that is new for us. To discover what is essential for us, so that we may weave those things back into our own work rhythms and methods. Or simply have the chance to just be really free to play, and be surprised!

Ways to unburden upon entry...

Ways to Honor the process/mystery while creating…

If you feel stuck