Here are some suggestions for setting aside time for a Creative Process Session. I recommend doing these at least twice a week as part of your working routine.
Read the description for group creative process sessions. I also recommend reading “Rules for Creative Process Sessions”
If you are doing this for the first time, listen to the 9 min. audio instructions to set the context of the exploration a bit
Set aside roughly 50 minutes of time to work undisturbed.
If you are able to schedule to do this with a creative friend or two, set up a zoom room or similar to meet in. Begin simply by sharing what materials you’ll be using, and allow for 5-10 minutes at the end
For later sessions, you may want to review the “Rules for Creative Process Sessions” page to set the tone and provide suggestions for getting stuck.
Work/play in your medium of choice for 45 minutes (if this feels daunting, decide beforehand you’ll just do less evalutate the length next time – better to meet a set time that feels doable)
Take 3-5 minutes to reflect on the process of working within these constraints (writing/ journaling is ideal for this). How did it feel, what was challenging, what felt good (vs. evaluating the creative output itself). If you are doing this with another person, take some time to share about your experience creating (not what you made).
Appreciate yourself for taking the time for this!